About our work

Why Newborns in Need
Every child born deserves basic essentials. But we do not have to look outside our own country to find babies in desperate need of support from Newborns in Need. In America, nearly 11 million children are poor. That’s 1 in 7 children, who make up almost one-third of all people living in poverty in this country. Incredibly, babies in our very own country go without a fresh diaper, warm blankets, clothing, or a safe place to sleep. Poverty or illness impacts the tiniest babies and families become overwhelmed. Without a strong support system, the gift of basic essentials to these families gives them a chance to provide for the new baby immediately after birth.
Effective care can reduce the deaths of babies under one month and Newborns in Need works to provide essential items to support the new family unit. The need can seem overwhelming, but every Newborns in Need Chapter positions themselves to serve as many infants as possible in their local area. No infant should suffer or be at risk due to lack of items that every baby deserves.
What we do
Volunteers provide our Newborn Immediate Need Kits filled with necessities for a newborn during the first few weeks of life. Collecting needed items such as baby wash, sleepers, diapers, wipes, thermometers and other necessary items, these items are distributed in the local community. Talented hands create warm blankets, afghans and quilts to fill the kits, lovingly created by Newborns in Need volunteers. Sadly, so many communities are without Newborns in Need chapters, and we need your help.

Between 2019 and 2020, poverty rates increased for married-couple families and families with a female householder. The poverty rate for married-couple families increased from 4.0 percent in 2019 to 4.7 percent in 2020. For families with a female householder, the poverty rate increased from 22.2 percent to 23.4 percent.
U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (CPS), Annual Social and Economic Supplements (CPS ASEC)
Don’t let one baby be cold, wet, hungry or without a safe place to sleep. Every day, our volunteers work tirelessly to find items to meet the needs of our nation’s babies.
Start a chapter, collect needed items, or donate funds to keep one baby safe and warm.